Don't know what a derecho is? Neither did I until last Friday when one blew through the DC-area, wreaking havoc, outing the power, and extinguishing the AC during a string of 100-plus degree days.
For the record, a derecho is a wide-spread and long-lived straight-line windstorm. Got that? It plunged Northern Virginia into chaos temporarily, darkening traffic lights, downing trees, and closing gas stations, hotels, and most places to get coffee.
We had about a 1/2 hour warning of its impending arrival and were able to get the emergency batteries ready to be connected when we lost power, which was almost immediately as the storm arrived. But the battery that was supposed to last 9 hours lasted only one. Had another back-up that lasted through the night, until we were able to get to a friend's house (thanks Ally!) who had power.
Fortunately the power came back on after a couple days, though not before all our food spoiled and the cat almost wilted. We were lucky compared to some who five full days after the storm still don't have power. I could live without any additional derecho's for a while. Weather guys say this happens in our area about once every five years, though I don't ever remember experiencing one in my many years in DC.
The disruption really impinged upon the tube weaning. We did our best to keep Zachary focused and moving forward, however. He kept trying (licking) new solids and even accidentally swallowed a tiny bit of wheat bread and pita chip, though he choked and gagged. He even had some really spicy cheese and pepperoni, though he has gotten into the habit of licking something once then tossing it wherever, like on the floor, wall, or couch.
We've started replacing the remaining formula he's getting with whole milk. He hasn't seemed to notice. Probably will cut back further on the formula in a day or two. He's been remarkably well behaved throughout this ordeal (both the storm and starvation) though he has had his inconsolable moments.
So we're making slow progress. Hope he picks up the pace soon.
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