Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Now that's my boy!

There's never been any doubt that Zachary's my boy.  Sit us side by side and I look like his older, fatter twin.  But today confirmed it for sure when we found out that he has actually gained an ounce since his tube wean started two days ago. 


Most kids lose weight, of course.  Some as much as 10 percent of their total poundage.  Zachary's doctor set a strict limit of 5 percent weight loss, at which time the wean would have to be put on hold.  But he has gained instead so far.  His care team thinks it is because he hasn't vomited since Friday and consequently is keeping in more than is going out.  (Thank you, Prevacid, for being the wonder drug that you apparently are).

Days 2 and 3 of the wean have seen him drinking more of his bottles and getting less water.  Soon he's going to start getting less and less of the formula by bottle until, we hope, he eats something, anything.   He's starting to explore some new foods, and by explore I mean lick.  He has tasted some beef jerky, spicy chips, salty pita chips, sour apples and nectarines.  Today we are going to try some pineapple chunks and mandarin oranges, maybe some frosted blueberry pop-tarts, and perhaps some Blazin' Buffalo and Ranch Doritos. 

Part of the therapy involves modeling so he can see us eat, so we learned quickly to buy things we don't mind eating too.  Probably the only time we'll ever have this much junk food in the house.  And before anyone starts thinking about making any fat jokes (you know who you are) I've lost 20 pounds over the past three months, though it has been tough not to snack away with my boy. 

So far so good.


  1. So glad to hear it Jerry. I whole-heartedly concur that Prevacid is a wonder drug. My oldest daughter (now 5.5 years) was on Prevacid from about 3 months old until she was about 18 months old. She had severe GERD and had a terrible time feeding. Instead of vomiting though (which I admit, sounds awful), everything that went down her esophagus burned and burned. She would scream through every feeding and had a hard time adjusting to solid food. Prevacid helped tremendously. Full-term babies don't have a mature digestive system until they are about 2 years old (I'm sure you already know this) so the Prevacid really got her through tough times. Glad to hear Zachary is doing well with the tube wean!
