Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Are you kidding me?

I've read some media reports that Jay Z and Beyonce had an entire floor of the hospital in which their ridiculously named baby was recently born blocked off to protect their privacy.  The stories said parents who had babies in the NICU were unable to get in for several hours. 

Seriously?  What a couple of ASSHOLES.

I would write a long rant about how out-of-touch these clowns are and how hurtful their actions were to parents who were unable to be with their seriously ill children just so a couple of pampered divas could indulge themselves. 

But I don't have to.  Someone else with a blog called People I Want to Punch in the Throat already did.  The blogger, a former NICU parent, wrote an open letter to these jerks that says it all. 

Read it here:  http://www.peopleiwanttopunchinthethroat.com/2012/01/open-letter-to-beyonce-jay-z.html

1 comment:

  1. I read that blog, and I thought to myself, one of those big ass security guards would have to get physical with me to keep me from seeing my new baby. I"m pretty sure I would have called NYPD as well. Such a sad, disgusting, ridiculous situation. I can't even imagine.
