Thursday, January 19, 2012

A few more things

The new formula has arrived!  Not sure why I am so excited about this, but I am.  It is called Compleat Pediatric, and as you can see, Nestle is proud to note that it is made "with real food ingredients," which not all formulas are.  The dietitian we saw a few weeks back was excited about this too, since we made clear our desire to avoid feeding him a non-food product.  This stuff all goes in his tube, so mealtimes won't be all that much fun.  But we''ll try to give him some real baby food by mouth first to make it seem more natural and hopefully avoid having a toddler who only "eats" by tube.

And speaking of eating, we found out that this week that Zachary weighs 15 pounds, 9 ounces. He's gained back what he had lost over the past few weeks and at the pace he's on now will hit the growth chart at 21 months. He'll be in the 0 percentile for weight, but hey, at least we'll finally be able to plot his dot on the graph.

We're also learning sign language.  Zachary knows how to sign the word for "more," which is touching your hands together in front of your chest.  He definitely makes clear what he wants, and often, what he doesn't.  He almost always wants to read more books.  He almost never wants more food.  I think we're getting close to teaching him the sign for finished, or all done, and cat. 

And Sammy, our cat, went to the vet last week and was pronounced overweight by about 3 pounds.  He clocked in at 17.2 pounds, still more than Zachary, though Z-man will hopefully catch him soon.  He wants nothing more than to give the cat a big hug, and occasionally gets a handful of ear or whiskers.  Sammy dutifully lets him do it, albeit briefly.

Finally, no more doctor's appointments this week!  Going to the cardiologist next week though.  Sure I'll have more to share then.

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